Once again God gave us a tremendous opportunity yesterday in Manchester City Centre at our usual spot at the bottom of Market Street, a bustling walk-through area. We arrive around 11-30 and plan to stay 4 hours but usually go past that time. Who are we? Just a small group that has the desire to get the Good News out to others, in numbers sometimes 4, sometimes a couple more, We all come from different areas around Lancashire and have gotten to know each other because of this common desire to share Jesus Christ our Saviour. We are in prayer for this time and prayer is the first thing we do before starting, for we want God’s undertaking and His Light to shine into the hearts of those who have never heard.
God gave us many ‘Divine Appointments’ He alone knows who will walk by, who we will speak to and most importantly He has prepared our hearts, and gone before us preparing the hearts of lives we will engage with. I think of Philip in the book of Acts 8:26-40, led by the Lord by an Angel and the Spirit both speaking to him, he is led to a carriage travelling along a desert road on route to Ethiopia and its occupant is reading out aloud from Isaiah 53 that leads him to ask Philip, “please tell me, of whom is the prophet speaking?”
Philip leads him to Christ and this man becomes a Believer and ‘went on his way rejoicing!’ We read no more of this man but no doubt he took this message back with him to Ethiopia…. Praise the Lord! So, it was on outreach yesterday, a man 39 years old from Bolton, works in M/C on his lunch break, all his life a devoted churchgoer depending on church rituals until yesterday he was shown the way of salvation by faith in the work of Jesus, he prayed with me and went back to work saying ‘Now I’m saved!’
Amazing too, all the visitors from around the country and the world that stop, and engage with us, none of these are coincidences. Three people had recently come to Christ, one a convert from one of the world’s major religions and looking for a place of fellowship and discipling, others wanting to know more. Many Believers come up to the table encouraged by us being there, a Light in a dark place. Students from overseas who are sons and daughters of Christian families back in Hong Kong, Romania, S. America, Africa or wherever they have gotten distracted are thankful to be reminded of spiritual priorities and directed to fellowship, You know their Mother and Father back home are praying for them. Yes, we get scoffers too, but they have been challenged by Jesus Christ. Between us, we hand out regularly 600 or more gospel tracts. For many too, it is an opportunity to pray for them.
Finally, what was Philip’s background, he first appears in Acts 6:1-6, chosen as one of the seven to serve meals to the widows in the Assembly, their only qualification a good reputation, full of the Spirit and wisdom.’ No doubt he was already serving others and led by the Spirit. When persecution and tribulation came, they were dispersed, not discouraged, and the gospel went forth throughout the world. Ephesians 5:18-21. ‘But be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord.’ 1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make an explanation to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence. There is joy in serving Jesus!
Lord, fill our hearts that men may see Thy life in us and turn to Thee!