Kingdom Light

A heart for community outreach and working with the wider church of Jesus Christ. Luke 4:43.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17.
Kingdom Light
Kingdom Light is a group of spirit led believers working to save souls in the North West of the UK. They want to share the good news about Jesus in different towns and cities in the the region. the team cares deeply about the Bible and want to help people feel close to God. They work hard to inspire and bless everyone they meet. Their goal is to show God’s love and grace to people from all different backgrounds. They want to help people discover how much better their life can be with Jesus. Whether you need advice, help or just a place to be close to God, Kingdom Light is here to support you.
God bless

Andrew's Testimony
I was taken to church when I was younger aged 7 to 13 and was baptized in the water and through my youthful years at regular intervals I felt a warm loving presence beside me at the time it was not revealed to me who it was. At the age of 22 I went on to serve 8 years in the Army and was also married for 15 years and had 5 children in marriage who were all christened at an early age. In 2012 I woke up one Saturday and the holy spirit came down on me and the presence of God was confirmed. I returned back to the church I’ve been in much Bible study, and on mission abroad also around the uk witnessed healings and lives transformed through the power of the holy spirit.
As a member of the body of christ a baptized in the spirit believer it is my duty to share with the churches the biblical revelations/dreams I have received and testimonys of how the loving presence of God has touched people on outreach.
Acts 2:17-18. NIV.
” in the last days, God says I will pour out my SPIRIT on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my SPIRIT in those days,and they will prophesy.
Mission 24
In 2019 by this time having seen God moving in people’s lives in my local church and on community outreach, I was hungry for more of what the holy spirit wanted to do in me and through me. He always has more for us that’s a promise in his word. And so I joined the mission 24 intern training a 1 year program. I instantly realized I was with a team of men and women who were equally hungry for more of what was doing. As a team on missions both uk and abroad you will experience the holy spirit moving in power, through your laying on of hands people will receive more of what God has for them. You will come out of the internship on a new level of faith and continue your journey in christ jesus. Amen.