Our Ministry
We offer the services below as part of our ministry.
Street Evangelism
Street evangelism is a Christian method of publicly sharing the gospel with the aim of spreading the message of Jesus Christ. and encouraging others to become followers. This involves actively engaging with people on the street through various means such as handing out flyers, striking up conversations, singing, preaching or performing dramas. While some consider it to be controversial, advocates believe it is an effective way to reach people who might not encounter the gospel otherwise, and provides an opportunity for passionate Christians to share their faith.

Christian Literature
Christian service provides care and support to individuals and communities. This includes assisting the impoverished, elderly, sick, and homeless through volunteering and resources like counselling and education programs. It reflects Christian values of love and compassion and aims to build stronger, more caring communities.
Church visiting speaker

When speaking at churches in the North West UK, respect their beliefs and traditions while sharing your own insights. Engage with the community and connect with local leaders to build new relationships. By fostering mutual respect and learning, you can help build bridges between different groups and contribute to a vibrant faith community.
- Start a conversation. The best way to share your faith is to simply start a conversation with someone about it. Ask them what they believe, and why. Listen to their answers, and share your own beliefs in a respectful way.
- Serve others. One of the best ways to show people the love of Christ is to serve them. Volunteer your time at a local soup kitchen, homeless shelter, or other charity. This will show people that you care about them, and it may open the door for you to share your faith with them.
- Be a good example. People are more likely to be interested in what you have to say if they see that you are a good person. Live your life in a way that reflects the love of Christ. Be kind, compassionate, and forgiving.
- Use social media. Social media can be a great way to reach out to people and share your faith. Start a blog, or create a Facebook page or group. Use these platforms to share your thoughts and experiences on faith, and to connect with other people who are interested in learning more about Christianity.
- Attend a church. There are many churches in the north west of the UK that are actively involved in evangelism. Attending a church is a great way to learn more about evangelism, and to get involved in the work of sharing your faith with others.

A frequently asked question surrounding your service
A frequently asked question surrounding your service
A frequently asked question surrounding your service
A frequently asked question surrounding your service
A frequently asked question surrounding your service
A frequently asked question surrounding your service
A frequently asked question surrounding your service
A frequently asked question surrounding your service
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