Acts 2:17
In the last days, God says, I will pour out my spirit on all people, Your sons and daughters will prophesy your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
The amount of prophets and other people with dreams and visions, is clearly a big part of what God does through his people there is so much of it you can’t miss it. God has shown me on occasions in advance where I will be in the future, or with a spoken word. It takes time and Faith for these things to unfold in our lives. This gives us peace and certainty about his leadership in our lives. In the book of Genesis Chapter 37 we read about Joseph a young man who consistently had dreams that gained him favour over time and an interpreter of other people’s dreams, he became a trustworthy leader due to his devotion to God. Pharaoh made him 2nd in command over all of Egypt. In the book of Numbers 12:6, the Lord declares of speaking with Moses by dreams and visions, My encouragement is to everyone not receiving dreams and visions, according to scripture to put this on your prayer list keep asking, and keep on asking until you receive in Jesus name Amen.
Acts 2:17 Acts 8:26-40 Bible Divine Appointment Dreams and Visions Egypt Entering your Promised land Genesis 37 Holy Spirit Jesus Kingdom Kingdom Light Manchester City Centre Numbers Numbers 12:6 Piccadilly prophets PSALM 119:105 Psalms